Mask FAQs

I'm confused, what mask should I choose?

This is the million-dollar question. There are a few things that you must consider before purchasing a mask. It is best to first determine if you predominantly breathe through your nose or your mouth at night when you are asleep. If the answer is your nose, then you may be comfortable with the nasal pillow or nasal mask. If the answer is your mouth, then you may be best off using a full face mask which covers your nose and mouth. However, a nasal pillow or nasal mask can also be used for mouth-breathers with the addition of a chin strap. Once you have determined the type of mask which would suit you best you then need to choose an appropriate size. The nasal pillow is one-size-fits all. The nasal mask and full face mask come in small, medium and large. The comfort level of the mask is key to adapting to CPAP therapy so other considerations such as sleeping position and sinus/respiratory problems may impact mask choice. Please feel free to Contact us (1300 SIESTA or 0431 390 548) if you are unsure and wish to book a consultation with one of our friendly team members. 

How do I know if my mask is the right size?

Any mask should feel comfortable and seal well on your face. You do not need to wear your mask so tight that it pushes too hard on your face, leaves marks in the morning, creates sores or headaches. The roll-fit design enables the mask to provide a good seal on your face whilst providing a reasonably comfortable experience. A nasal mask should sit on the bridge of your nose and comfortably between the base of your nose and top lip. If you are experiencing air blowing in your eyes, or the mask is coming down onto your top lip, the chances are that you need a smaller size. If the base of the seal is pushing up onto your nostrils you may need a bigger size. The full face mask should sit comfortably on the bridge of your nose and in the crease of your chin. If you are experiencing air blowing in your eyes, or the mask is below the crease in your chin your mask may be too big. If the base of the seal is above the crease in your chin and pulling up on your bottom lip you may need a bigger size. Finding the right size mask for you is very important so that you are comfortable and don’t experience additional issues such as mask leakage. Please feel free to Contact us (1300 SIESTA or 0431 390 548) if you would like to book a mask fitting consultation with one of our friendly team members.

What does mask leakage mean? 

Mask leakage mainly refers to air escaping from around the area where the mask seal sits on your face. Mask leakage can be due to incorrect mask type, size &/or adjustment. Mask leakage may also mean that one or more of the parts that comprise your mask needs replacing. Mouth breathing can also be associated with leakage issues. It is recommended to Contact us (1300 SIESTA or 0431 390 548) and seek further advice if your mask leakage continues.